Monday, May 14, 2012

Bezoar Stones and Mustika Pearls

Bezoar stones and Mustika pearls are unusual objects formed in animals and plants. They are  also known as enteroliths, stones that naturally occur in the digestive tracts of animals - usually within hollow organs and ducts. Typically, these stones are formed after an animal eats a substance that their bodies are unable to digest, and then accumulates and hardens as deposits along the abdominal tract. They assume many different shapes, from regular oyster-pearls to tumbled looking stones in unusual shapes and sizes. In their unpolished state, they have a rough texture. Unlike oysters that form pearls out of irritation, Nature forms mustika pearls in the bodies of animals, plants and fruits. Not all animals or plants of the same species form these pearls, but it is possible they do occur in almost every living being. Some mustikas are actually fossilized parts of an animal or plant, such as the eye. 

The word "Mustika" comes from the Kawi language, of an old Javanese origin and translates to, "magic jewel," or "precious stone." Mustikas are widely known in South-East Asia, India, and other countries of the East. Possessing a mustika means the owner will acquire great fortune and blessings. These magical pearls are one-of-a-kind, unique, rare, and powerful.  It is said that only fortunate people are able to acquire and keep them.

Enteroliths removed from a horse, by D. Scott Taylor on Flickr

Cobra pearl

Crocodile pearls

Elephant Bezoar

Elephant Bezoar

Owl pearls

Peacock pearls

Rhino Pearls

Sea Lion Pearls

Equine enterolith/pearl

Cobra Pearls

Lion Pearls

Red Cobra Pearls

Red Scorpion Pearls

Tiger Pearls
Lizard Pearls

Komodo Dragon Pearls

Info from here and here

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